Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Object of study is forests, newly emerged on agricultural lands due to their withdrawal from agricultural use in the early 90s in the territory of the Bryansk region. Relevance of the work is indicated by absence of any mechanism of account and use of these forests. The analysis of the process of fields overgrowing with woody vegetation, for integrated and sustainable use of emerging plants is made, the technique of their account is proposed. To conduct the study plots of forest renewed in agricultural fields were selected, taking into consideration the composition of adjacent stands. In selected plantations temporary plots were laid, size was determined by number of trees - not less than 300 pieces. Test plots were laid at a distance of 51-100 m from the wall of the forest. Trees were determined by age, height was measured. Scots pine, silver birch and goat willow are the most commonly found species in abandoned fields. By the age of 5 years, pine, willow have a height of 1.1 m, and birch by 6 years – about 2 m. Pine in this situation manifests itself as a pioneer species , but it is inferior to the birch in growth rate. Conducting interpretation of satellite images with resolution of 2.5 m it was found that forest area of 120.6 thousand hectares are unaccounted for in HLB and Gil of the region, which corresponds to the forest area the Oryol region. In accordance with the recommendations of the UN FAO, these forests should be accounted, characteristics should be given and their continued use should be determined. On the basis of these forest areas should be organized in municipal forestry, regulations should be developed and forestries should function. After determine the cutting age in a birch business section (V / 41-50) according to the age of quantitative maturity, after logging, these lands can be reused for agricultural production.

test plots, forests located on agricultural lands, satellite image interpretation, height, age, composition, Scots pine, silver birch.

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