The modern concept of gardening involves the use of large amounts of inert materials, different designs, and modern forms. Widespread urbanization of territories entails almost complete exclusion of green spaces, landscapes mediocrity and aggressive environments. All this has a negative effect not only on the environment but also has a negative impact on human. Reduced Stress resistance reduces and the working population decreases, the percentage of various diseases increases. In this paper we consider the question of proposing how to tie urbanized area with the surrounding environment. Along with urbanized areas a suburban town, so-called "second home" play a major role in people´s lives. Accomplishment of such areas should include elements that allow a person to relax as much as possible by working days. Since the cottage villages are composed of model homes, it suggests the monotony plan of surrounding territory. The best decoration of such areas is the use of tree and shrub vegetation, as well as decorative flower crops. Flower decoration of adjoining areas refreshes dull monotony of typical households. Given the impact of current trends in landscape design, we note the following aspects of the areas design. Rectilinear forms of trees and bushes are disappearing as the most fashionable style decision is a landscape of the site. Manor house in the Russian style looks particularly attractive, as historically Russian style was associated with the natural environment. Cottage village is ideally located surrounded by forest on the banks of a natural lake. The objective of our work was to unify the territory of cottage settlement with the surrounding ecosystem. For small areas "small" gardens are ideal decision. We also offer to create more comfortable living environment to emphasize the conditional zoning with green hedges. The paper presents a range of plants that will accentuate central Russian landscape and create coherent whole perception of the village and the environment.
concept of gardening, natural environment, landscape design, ornamental trees and shrubs, flower decoration
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