Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In this work the authors evaluated changes of the structure of aqueous solutions of chlorides of sodium and potassium in various concentrations in the parietal layer by means of the dielectrometry and resonance method. In experiments at 20 ° C, the concentration of sodium and potassium chloride concentration of 0.01 M to 1 M in thenear-wall layer "glass - water solutions" height of less than 1000 microns observed multiple reduction of capacitance of solutions, and Q of an oscillatory circuit and a multiple increase coefficient KS which allows to evaluate the structure of the solutions. It is shown that the structure of the solutions in the wall layer depends on the solution concentration, the nature of the solute and the material of surface. Methods of dielectrometry and resonance are informative in the interpretation of the processes in the fluid layer at the interface, "solid – aqueous solution".

water structure, boundary water, water clusters, electric capacity, resonance

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