Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article provides a literature analysis on the problem of the formation of a communicative personality as an actual stage in the development of a linguistic personality. The definition of communicating personality and communicative personality concepts is given. The influence of the digital information environment on the nature of thinking and response of students in an associative experiment is described. The aim of the article is to describe the students’ communicative personality features which are revealed in the paremic discourse. The material of the study is neoparemia, a speech behavior product of the associative experiment participants. Neoparemias are presented in verbal and intercode form. The main research methods are theoretical (analysis of literature on the problem) and empirical (method of directed associative experiment). The scientific novelty lies in the fact that the communicative personality is studied for the first time from the standpoint of the analysis of neoparemias – products of the speech behavior of associative experiment participants. The results of the experiment can be useful for socio- and psycholinguists, as well as for communication science researchers and modern paremiology representatives.

association experiment, communicative personality, discourse, linguistic personality, paremic picture of the world

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