The use of elements of negative logic in the construction of an energy-efficient combinational device
Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Definitions are given and the difference between positive and negative algebra of logic is indicated. It is noted that when switching from positive logic to negative, the elements of "Schaeffer's Stroke" and "Pierce's Arrow" change places. Similarly, conjunction changes with disjunction. The inverter retains its property regardless of its application in positive or negative logic. The laws and rules valid for the negative algebra of logic are presented. The method of transition from the positive algebra of logic to the negative one is presented. Elements of positive and negative logic are compared. On the basis of logic functions: (AᴧBᴧC)ᴧDvAᴧ(BᴧCᴧD)vAᴧ(BᴧC)ᴧDv(AᴧB)ᴧ(CᴧD), implemented by direct optimized, minimal, options matching device, as well as, the final options in bases 2-NOT-OR (2-AND-NOT), 4-NOT-OR (4-AND-NOT) for negative logic. The voltage table of K155LE1, K155LE3 microcircuits is presented. The truth table of K155LE1, K155LE3 microcircuits in negative logic algebra (as an element AND-NOT or NOT-OR) is presented. Truth tables of K176LE5, K176LE6 microcircuits are shown in positive logic algebra (OR-NOT). The voltage table of K176LE5, K176LE6 microcircuits is shown. The truth table of K176LE5, K176LE6 microcircuits is shown in negative logic algebra (as an AND-NOT or NOT-OR element). elements of negative logic. Conclusion about the results.

Negative logic, combinational logic device, 2NOT-OR, 2AND-NOT, 2OR-NOT, 4NOT-OR, 4AND-NOT, 4OR-NOT, K155LE1, K155LE3, K176LE5, K176LE6.

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