Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This article discusses the problem of making managerial decisions by employees when using complex organizational systems for special purposes. In order to make effective management decisions by employees in complex organizational systems for special purposes, it is necessary to develop the structure of this system, to adapt the mathematical models of the set of goals to real goals-processes, to the choice of alternative management decisions for intermediate goals of such systems. It is advisable to adhere to the following approach "a solution is a multi-layered iterative information process initiated by a problem situation, preceding the action." When developing cognitive mathematical models (CMM) for managerial decision-making (CMP), we will assume that the target settings (TA) are homogeneous and should be based on the basic principles of construction (COSSN) of a complex organizational structure for special purposes. The signs of the classification of managerial decisions and the stages of the process of making managerial decisions are given: analysis, forecasting, optimization and choice of alternatives. PUR when functioning in the SSSN is important for all employees who, constantly or periodically act as managers (curators, organizers, management entities). The network model of the CSSSN in the form of graph G is developed based on the requirements for the functioning of this system as a technology for the adoption of SD.

Complex organizational systems for special purposes; systems approach; adoption of managerial decisions; goal tree; multi-variant synthesis; cognitive mathematical models; optimization method; automation of information processing; decision maker; operational, tactical and strategic management decisions; program-target approach; methods and techniques.

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