Russian Federation
Russian Federation
UDK 32 Политика
The purpose of this work is to identify the trends and prospects of socio-political development of Russia at the present stage of its development. Guided by the paradigm of the fundamental importance for the political and legal system of the country of its constitutional act, the authors chose the method of legal analysis as the main method of research, attempting to achieve the goal of the work by considering the evolution of the basic law of the country - the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Thus, studying the constitutional process in dynamics, as well as drawing on the experience of a number of foreign countries, the authors of the article use historical and comparative research methods. The relevance and relevance of such research is due, among other things, to the fact that the last year and a half have been marked by a clear decrease in the activity of the scientific community in terms of studying the significance of constitutional amendments and their impact on the political future of the Russian state and society. Complicating the achievement of this task is the fact that the first chapter of the basic law of our country (on the foundations of the constitutional system) must remain unchanged and, therefore, it is impossible to trace the domestic socio-political transformations of the deep level by its evolution. Nevertheless, formulating conclusions, in the final part of the work, the authors identify a number of trends and prospects for the near future of our country, first of all, its state component. The practical significance of the work lies in the possibility of using its predictive component in the process of Russia's political development over the coming years.
political development, state, society, constitution, constitutional amendments
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