Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article describes the concept of region as a holistic economic and social system, as well as an object of strategizing. The research relied on numerous theoretical and regulatory approaches used by different authors and institutes. The empirical part of the research concentrated on the Kemerovo Region aka Kuzbass. The methods included system, comparative, and logical analyses, as well as the dialecticmaterialistic method of cognition and a complex approach to conceptualization, generalization, and specification. The study also involved the descriptive-historical approach and individual theoretical-methodological provisions of regional strategizing. The article introduces the main approaches to the concept of region as a basic definition of regional economy and the theory and practice of regional strategizing. The term was interpreted using the case of the Kemerovo Region as an economic-social system and an object of strategizing. The current theory of strategy and the methodology and practice of strategizing demonstrate a severe ambiguity of scientific approaches and juridical interpretations to the term region. The traditional definition of the region is an object of strategizing for developing and implementing a formal strategy based on a current legislation. Thus, a region with its formal borders is a federal subject. This approach reflects its main characteristics as a complex economic-social system, where the economic aspect is primary and serves as a base for the social one.

region, object of strategizing, economic-social system, Kemerovo region – Kuzbass
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