Russian Federation
UDK 316.752 Ценности
The purpose of the study is to determine the value orientations of service communication and describe the axiological components of this type of institutional discourse. During the research, 217 texts of service communication were analyzed, including advertising messages of service companies, customer feedback, as well as information resources of websites. General scientific and linguistic research methods were used: observation, comparison and description; linguistic and extra-linguistic approaches to the lexical material, discourse analysis, contextual analysis, interpretive-contextual and lexico-semantic test analysis. On the basis of the studied material three groups of values were identified, among which are natural values, determined by human standards of life, morality and ethics; pragmatic values associated with the service activity itself, the services and products produced; artificial values, positioned by service companies in connection with advertising practices and the need to attract customers.
service communication, institutional discourse, values, value orientations
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