Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
the article introduces an advanced design of a rafting unit featuring increased wave resistance for transportation along shallow rivers. A rafting unit design providing water uptake reducing of low buoyant round wood is presented.

rafting unit, round wood.

УДК 634*378.33



Surov G. Ya., Dr.Sc(Techn.), Professor

Rymashevskiy V. L., Dr.Sc(Techn.), Associate Professor

Shtaborov D.A., Senior teacher

Pirtskhalava N.R., Bachelor

Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov

Arkhangelsk, Russia

DOI: 10.12737/11110


Аннотация: в статье предложена конструкция сплоточной единицы с повышенной волноустойчивостью для транспортировки по рекам с малыми глубинами. Представлена конструкция сплоточной единицы для предотвращения водопоглощения круглыми лесоматериалами ограниченной плавучести.

Abstract: the article introduces an advanced design of a rafting unit featuring increased wave resistance for transportation along shallow rivers. A rafting unit design providing water uptake reducing of low buoyant round wood is presented.

Ключевые слова: сплоточная единица, круглые лесоматериалы.

Keywords: rafting unit, round wood.



A special rafting unit (figure 1) for shallow rivers was developed. It consists of logs 1, laid in a row and attached by ropes 2 in pairs to two fixing logs 3 which are laid crosswise on the basic log row. The log bundles 4 are supplied with bindings 5 and are laid parallel to fixing logs. The bundles 4 are tied to the row by the mean of banding ropes 6 placed above the bundles under their bindings and below them – under bundles and fixing logs.


1. Patent 110713 U1 RU, B63B 35/58. A rafting unit / G. Ya. Surov, O. Yu. Mashchenko.

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