Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Preparations of red fly agaric have anti-anxiety, antidepressant, psychostimulating, analgesic effect. The aim of the study is to identify the antidepressant, psychostimulating activity of the red fly agaric in order to select a priority direction for further in–depth research. Material and method of research. A preclinical preliminary study of the results of taking powder from the caps of the mushroom fly agaric red by volunteers – subscribers of the telegram channel , with subsequent statistical processing of the feedback result. The research method was a questionnaire, the questionnaire consisted of a Beck depression scale, a sleep disturbance scale, and an emotional state questionnaire. Results and their discussion. The drug of mushroom origin significantly increased the level of the emotional and personal sphere, improved sleep, increased physical activity, the level of the motivational sphere, reduced the level of depressed and anxious mood. Conclusion. The questionnaire revealed a good efficacy of taking the body of the mushroom mu-homor red in monotherapy of mild subdepressive disorder, which determines the prospect of studying the drug in a further clinical study.

red fly agaric, muscimol, muscilin, muscaridin, muscazone, muscarin.

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