Pyatigorsk, Stavropol, Russian Federation
UDK 80 Общие вопросы филологии, лингвистики и литературы. Риторика
The relevance of the use of mixed or heterogeneous texts and their types in the modern world is determined. The variety of terminological units defining the types of mixed texts is considered. The approaches of domestic and foreign linguists to the definition of such terms as "polycode text" and "multimodal text" are investigated in the context of increasing interest in the technologies of using heterogeneous texts in the media environment. The differences in the understanding of such phenomena as "polycode" and "multimodality" by foreign and Russian researchers are determined. The differences between the phenomena "polycode text" and "multimodal text" investigated by Russian linguists are considered. The value of heterogeneous types of texts in the conditions of active use of modern information and media technologies is studied, and the need for further research in the study of such types of mixed texts as polycode and multimodal is determined.
mixed text, heterogeneous text, polycode, polycode text, multimodality, multimodal text, language code, modus
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