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Abstract (English):
A stepwise increase of settlement of the stamp is illustrated with the cyclic change of the settlement rate. It appears the reconstruction of the microstructure of the soil. The suggesting now microstruction deformation model correlates with the observed effect of stepwise increase of settlement of the stamp. Descending branch of the cycle reflects the slow settlement due to elastic resistance ofsoil, the ascending branch reflects acceleration when moving elements of microstructure on the sliding surfaces at plastic deformation. These elements are microaggregates of clay particles. Their cooperative reaction on the external load creates this macroscopic effect. Both types of deformation and resistance to them are determined by the properties of the microstructure: elastic and viscoplastic characteristics of contacts between its elements and do not depend on the size and shape of the Foundation. On the basis of these invariants are formulated the similarity conditions of the stamp and the Foundation on the same soil. The similarity conditions of the stamp and the Foundationof given sizeshas been formed for each step of deformation. Authors give formulas for calculation of incremental settlement of the Foundation on each increment of pressure on its base.

foundation, stamp, similarity, microstructure, cyclisity, elastic, viscoplastic
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