Voronezh, Voronezh, Russian Federation
Voronezh, Russian Federation
Voronezh State University of Forestry and Technologies named after G.F. Morozov
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Minsk, Belarus
Felled and burnt areas are distinguished wide variety of soil and climatic conditions. Therefore, the choice of technological techniques and technical means of preparing the soil prior to planting forest crops depends on many factors. The composition of the former stand also has a significant influence on the choice of the method of tillage. If, after cutting clean point stands, there is an insignificant amount of soft-wooded deciduous species growth, then after cutting mixed spruce-deciduous stands, abundant growth appears on the cutting. The upper horizon of the soil turns out to be heavily filled with the roots of woody and shrubs vegetation. On freshly cutting site non stump grubbing, the frequency of encounter of the working bodies of tillage tools with stumps and roots varies quite widely, which requires studying the parameters of such obstacles. Data collection was carried out in the eLIBRARY and Scopus databases. Processing was carried out using the programs StatSoft Statistica 10 and Microsoft Excel. It was found that the height of the stumps is equal to or greater than their diameters and increases with increasing diameter for all tree species studied. With a diameter of stumps up to 24 cm, their average height is 22...27 cm, with 25...36 cm - 30...40 cm, with 61...72 cm - 70 cm. 51.8% birch stumps, 58.8% spruce and 77.1% aspen. The remaining stumps reach a height of 50 cm or more. On coppice felling, the maximum average height of stumps (29.3 cm) is observed in oak and ash. A smaller average height of stumps (21.0 cm) is observed in maple and linden. In the clearing, every tenth stump reaches a height of more than 40 cm, every fourth - more than 30 cm. In the clearing of old-growth seed oak forests, oak stumps have the highest average height (40.6 cm). Ash stumps have a slightly lower height (31.1 cm). For maple and linden, it is 22.6 cm. The height of every fifth stump is 40 ... 70 cm, every second - more than 30 cm. It is concluded that for all types of trees, the root system is horizontal at a depth of 0-30 cm. It is in this zone that tillage takes place.
tillage implements, not uprooted clearings, number of stumps in clearings, average height of stumps, pine root system
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