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Abstract (English):
Based on published data about the growth in height of model and other stands of seed-tree common beech, oak, deciduous and coppice deciduous stands have their rates of growth been investigated within one and the same age interval. New indicators have been used for establishing the respective growth rates – growth-rate indi-ces. New coefficients have been suggested for estimating the types of growth, and their applicability to use has been proved as these coefficients have been compared with the zero natural indicators of types of growth. A high level of correlation has been found with that. An analysis was made of the height growth rates of the studied stands based on their index curves. Further on, by applying the new coefficients of types of growth, the values and intervals of growth-rate indices according to types of growths, have been found for the stands of the tree spe-cies investigated. It has been concluded thatthe coefficients of types of growth, as well as the growth-rate indices, are rather convenient instruments for finding differences in the rates and types of the growth of forest stands in height.

forest stands, growth rate,type of growth, stand-quality level, site index, tree species
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