from 01.01.2021 until now
Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
This article discusses an approach to building a model of communication flows when solving project management tasks in the context of the need for subsequent regulation in order to increase the efficiency of project implementation in general. Definitions are given that distinguish such concepts as a communication flow and a single communication link with subsequent formalization in a formulaic form. Examples of forms and methods of communication between project participants are given, followed by the example of a hierarchical approach to the formation of a model of communication flows. The article also discusses the basis for building a model, including the organizational structure of the project, taking into account resources and the process of setting tasks, and in part of the latter, an algorithm of actions is presented, distributed over key stages, including visualization of the process diagram. Examples of control actions are given in order to demonstrate the possible regulation of the proposed model.
Project management, task solving, communication flows, communication, task setting, project team.
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