Russian Federation
Russian Federation
the article is devoted to the issues of digital adaptation of business in a changing market, the study of popular trends, as well as the assessment of the impact of these changes on the success of the company in adverse economic conditions. Discussion: The paper conducts research in the field of architecture transformation of small and medium-sized businesses. After conducting the study on the example of a real enterprise LLC «Sociocyberengineering», a trend towards digitalization of business processes by companies was revealed. The relevance of digitalization, as well as popular trends identified during the review of a typical enterprise were confirmed by data from open sources. Results: The authors considered the problem of business adaptation to changes in market realities, which is popular in the current economic conditions. An affordable way to solve the problem was identified, which consists in conducting a phased digitalization at the system level of the architecture.
enterprise architecture modeling, crisis, sanctions, pandemic, crisis management, corporate portal, CRM
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