Russian Federation
A serious obstacle to the innovative development and growth of many large and medium-sized manufacturing enterprises is only the low level of their own financial capabilities, the weakness of state support for technological renewal programs, and the negative attitude of the banking sector of our economy to medium and long-term lending for development programs. A significant factor in successful innovation activity is the integration of its resource potential into technologically similar and similar in content production processes of industrial enterprises. These factors hinder the output of production to a new technological level, to rise from today's most common 3–4 technological order in the main manufacturing industries to a higher technological level, which allows expanding the most important tasks of industrial production – to increase labor productivity and achieve competitiveness in modern markets for industrial products. This article considers the technological innovation system, which is becoming more and more widespread, especially in foreign practice of innovative development, within the framework of an industrial cluster.
innovative development, technological renewal, financial opportunities, integration, industrial cluster, technological innovation system
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