from 01.01.2018 to 01.01.2021
Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
UDK 30 Теория и методы общественных наук
The article examines the topic of distance learning in Russia. The universities of the Russian Federation and European countries, their history and role in the modern world are considered. Study of the relevance of this topic for a given year.
distance learning, students, universities, educational process
1. "History of the development of distance learning" [Electronic resource] (date of access: 11/28/2022).
2. Myasoedov A.I. Problems of deinstitutionalization of traditional attributes and gender stereo-types / A.I. Myasoedov, S.P. Ivanova // Problems of modern pedagogical education. 2020. No. 66-2. 313-316
3. Career Guidance Portal "Profgid" Rating of state distance universities in Russia. [Electronic re-source] - (date of access: 11/28/2022).