Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Review of the round table "Linguistic security. Anti-vaccination as a communicative threat: linguistic mechanisms of consciousness manipulation", organized by the staff of the research laboratory "Linguistic security and psychology of information impact" of the Institute of Law and National Security of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration. During the discussion, the changed nature of communication threats in general was considered, and the destructive flows of medical topics, in particular, the formed stereotypes and anti-values of the anti-vaccination discourse, were highlighted. The participants in the discussion distinguished between such concepts as “covid dissident” and “anti-vaccination”. An excursion into the history of vaccination is given, the path of the emergence of anti-vaccination discourse is traced. The Soviet experience of working with health education, as well as Chinese practices from the moment of the formation of the PRC to the present day, are analyzed. The participants of the round table highlighted the methods by which the Russian audience is retained and new users are involved, they dwelled in detail on the proximity strategy actively used by anti-vaccinators. Tactics for consolidating society in times of crisis are proposed, special attention is paid to the strategy of nomination, euphemization, which, from a manipulatory means, can become a therapeutic method with the help of mitigation. The functions of black humor as a popular form of popular opposition to destructive information flows are also indicated. Proposals have been put forward for the development of strategic programs for the training of new specialists, such as "infodemiologist", where informational and biological aspects will be equally taken into account when covering public health topics. Improvement of legislation in the field of content labeling seems to be tactical measures in the near future.

linguistic security; anti-vaccination; proximity strategy; nomination strategy; black humor; content labeling

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