Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
At the moment the educational paradigm is undergoing significant changes, the issues related to the introduction of online technologies, optimization of the distance learning process are becoming more relevant. Even though all participants in the educational process are given a huge number of modern forms, techniques, technologies to solve methodological and educational problems, the most demanded is blended learning. In this regard, the issue of the methodology of formation of communicative competence of students in the format of blended learning RLI as the main trajectory in the construction of the learning process is relevant. Moreover, it is not always clear which model of blended learning should be used for effective teaching Russian as a foreign language in accordance with specific conditions and didactic objectives. For this reason, the aim of this article is to develop a checklist that will help teachers choose the appropriate model of blended learning in Russian as a foreign language.

communicative competence, russian as a foreign language, blended learning, blended learning models, rotation, online environment, educational process design

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