Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Many high school students will have to participate in import substitution processes in their future professional activities. Import substitution is the creation of goods and services that are in demand by citizens and society, competitive with foreign analogues or superior in quality. Only marketable products that meet the needs of citizens and society for sustainable development and self-realization are in demand. Innovative products are focused on meeting the needs of citizens and society. The creation of innovative goods and services is a controlled process, reproduced according to a specific algorithm, presented in the form of a logistic curve. The Federal State Educational Standard of Secondary General Education provides for the formation of high school students' motivation and ability to innovate, as well as the ability to carry out individual innovative projects using education informatization technologies, taking into account the identified needs of citizens and society. This contributes to the formation of the orientation of high school students towards practical patriotic self-realization in the processes of import substitution in their future professional activities.

innovative activity of high school students, individual innovation project, informatization of education, patriotic education, needs of citizens and society, import substitution, value added

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