Yurginsky Technological Institute of the National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University (associate professor)
Novosibirsk, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
The state of the domestic economy, the political and socio-economic situation dictate the need for a new industrialization. The article substantiates the need for reindustrialization in Russia, the foundation of which should be continuous technological education at all levels: general education school - SVE institutions - HE institutions. Need shown: systematic, active use of professionally-oriented learning technologies based on an activity approach, contextual, problem-based and project-based learning with the establishment and implementation of systematic intersubject relationships between academic disciplines and the corresponding formation of students' learning activities; creation of a regularly updated bank of contextual tasks and tasks (examples of such tasks and tasks are given), creative tasks related to future professional activities, practice-oriented educational projects. Educational activities should be carried out with regular interaction between practitioners (technicians, technologists, engineers), teachers and teachers of general education, general professional and special disciplines, which should become the basis for training personnel with a wide range of technological competencies capable of effectively solving the problems of a new industrialization of the country.
technology education, industrialization, contextual tasks and tasks, creative engineering tasks, career-oriented learning
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