This article reviews the behavioral aspect of law as one of core factors of laws’ efficiency. In order to overcome gaps between law-making, legal consciousness and law enforcement, the author suggests investigating motives of the subject’s choice of this or that strategy for its legal status’ enforcement. On the basis of general scientific cognitive methods such as comparison method, historical method, analysis and synthesis methods, the author offers her own model typology through which the subject of law enforces its status. Factors of efficient enforcement of a government employee’s status are considered in the context of the administrative reform, as well as the global tendency to transition to the concept of a service-oriented state. The author identifies ways of overcoming restrictions in the process of assimilation of management concepts and technologies from business into the state management sphere. The author suggests expanding the list of government employees’ performance indicators through the inclusion of qualitative criteria, as well as through implementation of relevant educational programs.
Sociology of law, subject of law, legal status, types of social behavior.
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