Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This study presents the features of connective tissue dysplasia. The authors showed the importance of changes in blood flow and angiogenic changes in children and adolescents, defined the role of the muscular-tonic and myofascial disorders. The purpose of this workwas to determine a place of reflex therapy in the complex of the-rapeutic measures. Duplex scanning of the brachiocephalic vessels, magnetic resonance imaging in mode of angio-graphy, Doppler jugular and vertebral veins by means of equipment expert level were carried out 38 patients. The authors evaluated the results of reflex therapy and combined therapy. Subjective improvement of symptoms was revealed by the results of the questionnaires, it was also noted normalization parameters of the venous outflow, reducing the diameter of the vertebral veins. In the patients of the experimental group - the pain and musculo-tonic stress disappeared. The authors made recommendations for observing this group of patients.

vascular tissue dysplasia, venous dysplasia, reflex therapy.

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