The author studies the issue of retroactive effect of international treaties. The author identifies and analyzes the following types of retroactivity of international treaties: 1) an international treaty contains explicit retroactive provisions; 2) retroactive effect follows from the interpretation of treaty provisions. The performed analysis indicates that the principle of non-retroactivity is not absolute and there may be exceptions that are permitted only upon the decision of the subjects of international law. Such exceptions can be justified both by the very nature of the international treaty (interpretative agreements, which are intended to ensure interpretation of the earlier concluded treaty) and by human considerations (international treaties in the sphere of legal assistance). Retroactive effect may also be caused by additional or explanatory nature of the treaty itself, for example, when the states seek to avoid interruption in the application of the rules of two successive treaties, etc. Thus, the causes of individual cases of retroactivity of international treaties should be interpreted in each specific case depending on the will and the position of the contracting parties.
International law, international treaty, retroactivity of the international treaties, the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties.
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