Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article considers modern trends in the development of the Russian conflict of laws regulation with regard to the regulation of legally binding relations arising from unjust enrichment. A brief historical background of this institution in the Russian civil law is provided. Special attention is paid to new amendments and alterations to Section VI “Private International Law” of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation as part of the recent reform of the Russian civil legislation. The author notes a significant expansion of the autonomy of the parties’ will in determining the law to be applied to noncontractual obligations. The author explores the interrelation of common and special rules which regulate the parties’ relationships, criteria and principles of choosing proper sources of legal regulation in respect of specific cases. Alongside with the tendency towards unification of the legal regulation of obligations involving parties belonging to different legal systems, the author notes universalization of approaches to their regulation — extension of a number of principles which were previously applied only to contractual obligations, to non-contractual obligations.

Conflict of laws regulation, autonomy of the parties’ will, unjust enrichment, unification of law.

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