Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The work is devoted to the development of methodological approaches to the choice of ways to increase labor productivity through ergonomic support during complex production preparation. Separate measures for the organization of labor at the enterprise with possible improvement of labor rationing, assessment and training of personnel, the choice of directions for automation of individual operations are considered. The characteristics of performers (operators) to be evaluated during professional selection and their use in modeling the processes of interaction of operators with the control object under certain conditions of the production environment, requirements for the quality of operations performed are analyzed. The subjective and physical environment reduces or increases the quality indicators of the operator's activity and their accounting together with the individual characteristics of the operators requires a methodology based on a systematic analysis of all factors affecting labor productivity. The results of mathematical modeling based on experimental data, taking into account the complex nature of factors operating in the production system, are presented.

labor productivity, ergonomic support, professionally important qualities of operators, environmental factors, workplace, system analysis, modeling of interaction in an ergatic system, labor rationing, professional selection, operator fatigue, automation of operations

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