Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The relevance of the problem under consideration is due to the fact that the structure and content of the main sections of the strategies of socio-economic development of the macroregions in the Russian Federation require updating in response to fundamental changes in the external and internal environment of the functioning of the public administration system and the Russian Federation generally. The purpose of the work is to develop scientific and methodological provisions that can be used as the basis for the activities of public administration authorities in strategizing the socio-economic development of macroregions. As a result of the study, it was found that due to the lack of specific guidelines for the content and the degree of concretization of the main sections, the strategies of socio-economic development of macroregions had a very limited potential for application in the system of public administration of regional and spatial development of the Russian Federation. It is proved that the structure and content of the main sections of the strategies of socio-economic development of macroregions should be formed taking into account the requirements of the principles of continuity and consistency of strategic planning. In methodological terms, the success of the strategy implementation will be ensured by making clear links with strategic planning documents of higher and lower levels, as well as with documents of the same level of the hierarchy of public administration, with which the strategy should be coordinated in the format of «horizontal» links. It is recommended to supplement the development strategies of macroregions with sections: «Continuity of state policy» and «Contribution of the document to the achievement of national development goals», ensuring the continuity of goals, objectives and activities of state policy in the field of socio-economic development of the macroregions in the Russian Federation.

strategic planning, macroregion, spatial development strategy of the Russian Federation, strategy of socio-economic development of the macroregion, national development goals of the Russian Federation

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