Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
Modern Russian feminist discourse, being a poorly described area of communicative interaction, turns out to be one of the most important factors in the formation of the axiological determinants of Russian society today. In this regard, the article presents an analysis of new forms of social and linguocultural interactions - feminist cyberactivism, broadcast in the network environment for political activities and representing a significant part of today's online content. The authors focus on the description of specific linguistic features of different semiotic text units (online flashmob, information cards and communities/blogs of Russian fem-activists), demonstrating the ideological views of the feminist movement. Particular attention is paid to the methods of verbal explication of the problematic field of feminist cyberctivism (primarily, the definition of gender inequality index in Russia) and identification of the basic semasiological mechanisms for the "modification" of pragmatic parameters of the Russian-speaking feminist blogosphere. By developing the sense-forming component of feminist discourse, which is a critical reflection of female subjectivity, "from a certain angle", feminist cyberactivism demonstrates a high degree of involvement of the civil society in political processes, since it is essentially aimed at implementing not an informational, but rather an influence function (to evoke the desired emotional response in the recipient and to urge the need to share an updated position). The authors assume that a (subsequently) detailed consideration of the phenomenon of feminist cyberactivism, which is both the main means for the expansion of the fem-community in Russia and its constitutive feature, can answer many questions of the social and, more broadly, civilizational structure of Russian society.
cyberactivism; social media; feminist discourse; communication practices
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