Astrahan', Astrakhan, Russian Federation
Russian Federation
The article describes the work experience of a medical psychologist, as part of a multidisciplinary team, in order to provide psychological rehabilitation of a preschool child with an extremely severe course of a new coronavirus infection on the basis of the department of medical rehabilitation of Regional Children's Clinical Hospital named after N.N. Silishcheva. The role of various methods of psychological influence in the process of effective restoration of the psychological and mental status of the patient is considered. A comparative analysis of the use of various diagnostic tools is carried out in order to identify the most likely psychological consequences of COVID, as well as to assess the effectiveness of medical and psychological work. The emphasis is placed on the specifics of counseling and correctional activities, taking into account the age period of the patient. A subjective review of a comprehensive interdisciplinary approach to the rehabilitation process, restoring the main aspects of the psychological status of the child, is given.
new coronavirus infection, COVID, psychological rehabilitation, medical rehabilitation, preschool age, extremely severe course
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