Russian Federation
Russian Federation
The paper discusses the nature of the occurrence of risks and defines a list of the main issues of organizing a risk management system for business ecosystems. The authors consider the features of ecosystem risk management, highlighting a number of significant differences from the traditional organization. A description of the place of risk management in the ecosystem is also given, and a description of the basic principles in the field of risk management is given. When defining risk management processes and procedures, the authors substantiate the particular importance of monitoring, which should provide feedback to all processes. In addition, a model of the initial stages of an integrated risk management system is proposed, in which a separate place is given to the process of risk identification. The article presents the author's classification of the risks of the digital ecosystem, and also proposes an approach for compiling a risk register. In conclusion, the importance of the risk management process is emphasized in terms of the functioning, harmonious development and counteraction to crises of the digital ecosystem.
business ecosystem, risks, business model, digital ecosystem, platform, clients, leading organization, suppliers, competition, crisis
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