Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The paper presents the results of assessing the technical condition of foundations, foundations and reinforced concrete columns, which are elements of building structures of a multi-storey frame public building. The results of the survey of foundation structures and the characteristics of the soil base are given. The physical and mechanical characteristics of soils were determined using samples taken from the pits during the survey. The results of visual examination and field measurements of foundations in control pits are given. The results of calculating the strength of concrete foundations and columns are given. The construction and correction of the calibration dependence of the indirect non-destructive testing method was carried out on the object using the method of separation with shearing. The results of verification calculations of foundations are considered. Defects and damages of foundations were revealed. The category of technical condition of bases and foundations is substantiated. Recommendations for the repair of foundations have been developed. The design and reinforcement of columns are considered. Identified defects and damage to the columns. the results of verification calculations of columns are given. The category of the technical condition of the columns is determined. Recommendations for the repair of columns have been developed. Defects and damages of reinforced concrete columns recorded in the list of defects and damages are investigated. The main conclusions are made based on the results of a survey of foundations and reinforced concrete columns of a multi-storey frame building.

Technical condition, building structures, frame building, foundations, foundations, reinforced concrete columns, defects

I. Введение

Рассмотрим результаты обследования оснований, фундаментов и железобетонных колонн каркасного многоэтажного здания, расположенного по адресу г. Воронеж, переулок Красноармейский, д. 7а, корпус 8.

Оценка технического состояния несущих конструкций выполнена по классификации ГОСТ 31937-2011. Техническое состояние конструкции оценивается по одной из четырех категорий [1]: I –нормативное; II - работоспособное, III - ограниченно-работоспособное; IV - аварийное.

II. Методика оценки технического
состояния конструкций

Для отдельных конструкций, категория технического состояния назначалась по классификационным признакам ГОСТ 31937-2011, условно представленных в виде дискретного ряда ABCDEF (таблица 1) [1, 2].

III. Основание и фундаменты

3.1. Конструкция фундаментов и характеристики грунтового основания

Обследование оснований и фундаментов здания выполнено в соответствии с [1].


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