Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The paper presents a part of the results of a full-scale inspection of the molding shop of an industrial enterprise. The results of tests of masonry materials of the shop's enclosing walls by the shock pulse method using the ONIKS 2.5 device are presented. As a result, it was found that the grade for the compressive strength of the ceramic bricks of the walls corresponds to M100, and the grade of the masonry cement-sand mortar of the walls of the building corresponds to M50. The results of concrete testing by the non-destructive method of testing the strength using the DigiShmidt 2000 device were presented. As a result, it was established that the compressive strength class of concrete in reinforced concrete slabs of the pavement corresponds to B10, in reinforced concrete beams of the pavement - B40, in reinforced concrete crane beams of the covering - B15, in reinforced concrete columns of the building - B15. Instrumental studies were carried out using non-destructive testing methods, and verification calculations were carried out using a computer. The results of the verification calculations carried out according to the proposed method showed the sufficient bearing capacity of the roof beams, columns and foundations of the workshop building under the full design load. Based on the results of the survey, a verification calculation of the workshop frame was carried out. In general, the calculation showed sufficient strength of the entire load-bearing structures of an industrial building.

Modeling, technical inspection, industrial building, brickwork strength, concrete strength, verification calculations, computer program calculations

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