Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Histological examination of putrid adhesions is informative to determine the time of death and the etiology of origin of adhesions. Differential staining of adhesions with hematoxylin and eosin, trichrome by Masson, Zerbino with prescription death up to 7 days allows to define the appearance of the cellular composition, staining of muscle fibers on Zerbino and collagen and reticular fibers. In case of death from 7 to 10 days, the loss of the cellular composition in the color with hematoxylin and eosin is determined in tissue adhesions. This preserves the color of the muscle cells on Zerbino and staining of collagen and reticular fibers in the color of trigram by Masson. In the period from 10 to 14 days after the death, adhesions additionally lose the ability to staining of muscle cells on Zerbino. In case of death of more than 14 days, reticular fibers don’t turn spinach. Color is kept only for the collagen fibers in the color of trigram by Masson. In the case of traumatic and non-traumatic origin of putrid modified adhesions on histological sections of adhesions in color according to Perls, the signs of hemorrhage in the area of adhesions in the presence of compounds of trivalent iron are identified. In case of accumulation of the dye in the blue-green color in the form of granules in the soldering and soft tissues of the insertion or impregnation of the dye of the connective tissue and putrid modified muscle fibers, it is possible to diagnose traumatic origin of putrid modified adhesions, and in the absence of positive reactions – their non-traumatic origin.

adhesive process, prescription death, putrid adhesions

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