Tula, Tula, Russian Federation
The article is based on analyses of the enterprises’ activity: JSC «Plastic» (Uzlovaya) and JSC «Tulagorvodokanal», in the sewerage sphere during 2017 – 2021. Their experience research revealed the capital assets obsolescence and the capital investment shortage in long-term period. The authors suggest the mechanism of the investment programmes development of the sewerage systems. It allows to accumulate the additional recourses for the capital assets enhancement.
sewerage systems, treatment facilities, capital investment, investment programmes, actual Russian tendencies
1. Oficial'nyy Internet sayt Administracii Prezidenta Rossii Sayt Kremlya. URL: http://www.kremlin.ru/.
2. Oficial'nyy Internet sayt Federal'noy sluzhby gosudarstvennoy statistiki. URL: https://rosstat.gov.ru/.
3. Oficial'nyy Internet sayt administracii goroda Tuly. URL: https://www.tula.ru/
4. Lomovcev D.A. Fedorova T.A. Gosudarstvenno-chastnoe partnerstvo v real'nom sektore na sovremennom etape razvitiya ekonomiki Rossii: monografiya. Tula: OOO RIF «INFRA», 2010. 151 s.
5. Oficial'nyy Internet sayt AO «Tulagorvodokanal». URL: https://www.tulagorvodokanal.ru/
6. Oficial'nyy Internet sayt AO «Plastik». URL: http://www.oaoplastic.ru/
7. Ob investicionnyh i proizvodstvennyh programmah organizaciy, osuschestvlyayuschih deyatel'nost' v sfere vodosnabzheniya i vodootvedeniya [ot 29 iyulya 2013 g.] № 641 // Konsul'tantPlyus [Elektronnyy resurs]: spravochno-pravovaya sistema.