Tula, Tula, Russian Federation
Tula, Tula, Russian Federation
The paper builds econometric models that make it possible to establish the impact of the capital-labor ratio of labor, new technologies and human capital on labor incomes in the regions of the country. The most significant positive impact on labor income in the regions is exerted by the average level of education of employed workers. A significant positive impact on labor incomes in the regions is exerted by the total share of qualified specialists - employed workers with higher education and secondary vocational education in training programs for mid-level specialists. The share of employed workers with higher education has a significant positive impact on labor income in the region. The share of employed workers with secondary vocational education in training programs for mid-level specialists does not have a significant impact on labor income in the region. The employment of skilled workers and employees, workers with general secondary education and basic general education has a negative impact on labor incomes in the regions. To increase the level of labor incomes, it is necessary to create jobs for highly qualified specialists and expand the scale of training of young people in the higher education system.
labor income, econometric models, capital-labor ratio, new technologies, human capital, and education of employed workers
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