State Medical University named after professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky
Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation
Krasnoyarsk, Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation
The article defines the scientific and terminological problems of researching services in the field of services, the basic problems of the evaluation of services in health care organizations. On the basis of a systematic approach to the category of quality of medical services the article investigates patient satisfaction with the perceived quality of service, shows the role of consumer expectations in the evaluation of the perceived quality of services and finds that the requirements for the service in medical institutions are underestimated. On the basis of studies the authors identify behaviors of consumers of budgetary medical services organizations, develop a model of consumer activities, which differs from the existing ones that along with the economic component the model is complemented with communication components. The approbation of the authors´ model for health care services shows a characteristic pattern of consumer activity of budgetary organizations. The article highlights the factors of subjective judgment of health care consumers in assessing perceived quality. Based on the study of patient satisfaction the authors develop a hierarchical model of the perceived quality of health services, as well as the place of services defined in the model.
medical services, service, service quality, customer satisfaction with the quality of health services.
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