Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The macroscopic transport model is the basis for developing scenarios for the development of transport infrastructure in any region. Further quantitative estimates of targets used in transport planning documents depend on the quality of the initial data preparation and the level of model calibration. At the final stage, it is necessary to create a methodology for a comprehensive assessment of the economic efficiency of a set of measures for the development of transport logistics in the region, taking into account the costs and the possible socio-economic effect of their implementation, determined by the benefits received by the participants in the traffic. It should be understood that the effect can be difficult to formalize and heterogeneous for different categories of users of the transport system. It is assumed that due to the use of the macroscopic transport model of the region, the total effect will be defined as the ratio of the time savings expressed in monetary form for travel within the entire subject, which is planned to be obtained as a result of the implementation of the proposed measures. The overall socio-economic effect is calculated for the period during which the repaired and newly commissioned transport logistics facilities will maintain a given quality of service level. In order to take into account the complex impact of the implementation of each of the proposed measures on the total time savings, they are entered into the model in accordance with the chronological order provided by the transport planning documents.

transport logistics, infrastructure support, regional aspect, socio-economic effect, transport model

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