Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
the article is devoted to the influence of factors on the mechanism of settlement and payment circulation of corporate obligations, which are differentiated by the author into three levels depending on the significance and breadth of coverage of the payment turnover of the enterprise and evaluated on the basis of the method of expert assessments. The article analyzes the accounts receivable, including overdue, of Russian enterprises over the past five years. The analysis showed the ambiguity of the results obtained by the years of the study period, where 2019 stood out vividly, characterized by the impact of the pandemic on the settlement and payment turnover of corporations. The author suggests external macro and meso-level factors, as well as internal micro-level factors, the evaluation of which by the expert method showed the priority of such parameters as: the level of solvency, the availability of the possibility of borrowing funds and the industry characteristics of the corporation. The last parameter gives a qualitative assessment of the influence of the studied factors.

factors, settlement and payment circulation, corporate obligations, commercial credit, accounts receivable and accounts payable

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