Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The aim of the work is to determine promising converters for supplying consumer devices with the required voltage level. As part of the task implementation, a mathematical description of the resonant converter with a series LC resonant circuit is made. The equivalent replacement circuit of the converter is given, as a result of its analysis analytical expressions are determined that describe the main dependences of this converter on the load and switching frequency of the keys. In the process of analyzing the resonant converter operation with a series LC resonant circuit, mathematical modelling methods are used. The result of the work is the obtained analytical expressions that allow determining the oscillatory circuit parameters for the resonant converter operation with a series LC resonant circuit in the mode with the highest efficiency. The presented graphs demonstrate the key parameter dependence of the oscillatory circuit on the load magnitude and on the switching frequency of semiconductor keys, and, accordingly, on the oscillatory circuit frequency. Applying a resonant converter with a series LC resonant circuit is possible in those areas where a static load is used that changes little over time. Applying this converter is not optimal for a dynamic load, because to maintain the output voltage at the required level, it will be necessary to complicate the control system and introduce pulse-width modulation in addition to pulse-frequency one and to control the converter by means of skipping control pulses in the case when an operating mode is close to the idle one.

electric transport, resonant converter, resonant circuit, resonant frequency, quality factor of the oscillatory circuit

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