Bryansk, Bryansk, Russian Federation
Bryansk, Bryansk, Russian Federation
Bryansk, Bryansk, Russian Federation
A review of domestic and foreign studies related to analyzing the factors of the lecturers’ scientific productivity and publication activity and the main approaches to their assessment is carried out. The main reasons preventing the creation of a competency-based model of the teaching success based on a set of different-sized assessment indicators are shown. A correlation-regression model is proposed for assessing the lecturers’ scientific productivity based on calculating an integral indicator that allows forming candidates for the dissertation council members in the related specialties, taking into account the significance of publications and the number of their citations. The developed integral indicator makes it possible to compare the scientific productivity of lecturers and both structural units and universities with each other. The integral criterion is based on assessing the lecturers’ scientific performance and publication activity on the domestic and international scientometric databases. The developed criterion was tested in the process of evaluating the lecturers’ scientific activities of the Department of Industrial and Digital Economics and the Department of Information Technology of Bryansk State Technical University. Examples of calculating the developed integral criterion based on the totality of such scientometric indicators as the number of publications, the number of citations, the average number of citations per publication, the number of articles on the lists of the State Commission for Academic Degrees and Titles, Web of Science and Scopus are given. Conclusions are drawn on the objectification of scientometric indicators for evaluating the lecturers’ publication activity and the examples of the practical use of indicators for assessing the lecturers’ scientific activity are given.
scientometrics, publication activity, productivity, performance, scientometric indicators, citation of articles, in-terviewing, lecturers’ rating
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