Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The sociodesign of the Russian mentality as an organizational principle of the statehood in the history of Russia is briefly outlined, the synthesis of the country specific and chronological approaches is carried out through the prism of producing a person, society, and the state under the influence of natural and climatic factors, internal processes and geopolitical problems using the methodology of complex science and text visualization. The matrix structure and functional connections of the individual’s and people’s mentality components are presented, indicators of the mentality manifestation and evaluation are disclosed, such as: archetypes of the unconscious and meaning-life orientations, social actions, public consciousness formation, national spirit and historical memory. From the standpoint of the country specific and chronological approach, the general characteristics of the Russian mentality are considered, which are superimposed on the psychological characteristics of various groups and specific individuals’ mentality, which can lead to forming a single national spirit associated with the specifics of national psychology if people have a national idea. As an organizational integrative principle of the statehood Russian people’s mentality is considered as a synergetic noospheric symbiosis of the individuals’ mentality of the Russian society.

sociodesign, mentality, historical process, Russia, past, present, future, man, society, state, economy, politics, culture, community, communism, cosmism, dream, resonance

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