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Abstract (English):
The article considers constructive and technological solutions for the protection of roofing coverings of operated buildings in conditions of high natural and climatic temperature effects. Their use contributes to the creation of comfortable living conditions in the premises of the upper floors, both in summer and winter. During a long period of operation, there is a problem of maintaining the physical and mechanical characteristics of building envelopes in accordance with the established design requirements. Their changes can be caused by seasonal temperature fluctuations that occur, which entails a change in the parameters of the microclimate in the room. The device of protective structural and technological elements and measures prevents the violation of the conditions for normal operation of the premises of the upper floors of buildings.

residential buildings, thermal loads, sunscreens, heat balance, thermal resistance of coatings, natural cooling ventilation
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4. Organizacionno-tehnologicheskoe modelirovanie processov ustroystva krovel'nyh pokrytiy s modul'noy sistemoy ozeleneniya [Tekst] / Korol' E.A., Shushunova N.S. // Vestnik MGSU. 2019. T. 14. № 2 (125). S. 250-261.

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7. Estimation of modular green roof systems installation using the method of chronometry measurements / Korol E.A., Shushunova N.S. // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. International Scientific Conference on Modelling and Methods of Structural Analysis 2019, MMSA 2019. 2020. S. 012030. DOI:https://doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/1425/1/012030

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9. Organizational and technological procuring of roofing devices with greening systems / Korol E.A., Shushunova N.S., Mayilyan A.L. // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. International Science and Technology Conference "FarEastCon 2019". 2020. S. 032059. DOI:https://doi.org/10.1088/1757-899X/753/3/032059

10. Razvitie teorii i metodologii organizacionno-tehnologicheskogo modelirovaniya stroitel'stva zdaniy s zelenymi krovlyami [Tekst] / Korol' E.A., Shushunova N.S. // Fundamental'nye, poiskovye i prikladnye issledovaniya Rossiyskoy akademii arhitektury i stroitel'nyh nauk po nauchnomu obespecheniyu razvitiya arhitektury, gradostroitel'stva i stroitel'noy otrasli Rossiyskoy Federacii v 2019 godu. Sbornik nauchnyh trudov RAASN. Rossiyskaya akademiya arhitektury i stroitel'nyh nauk. Moskva, 2020. S. 305-313.

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12. Modular green roofs for the sustainability of the built environment: the installation process / Shushunova N.S., Korol E.A., Vatin N.I. // Sustainability. 2021. T. 13. № 24. DOI:https://doi.org/10.3390/su132413749

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