Russian Federation
UDK 81 Лингвистика. Языкознание. Языки
In the methodology of teaching Russian as a foreign language, there is a shift in emphasis from the theoretical study of grammatical, phonetic and lexical aspects of the language towards active language practice and the formation of communicative competence. In the modern methodology of teaching Russian as a foreign language, reading a text occupies an important place. Working with the text is necessary for learning a foreign language, since knowing a language means being able to read and understand the texts of the target language. In teaching foreign students to read texts, there are a number of features that a teacher should pay attention to. Important criteria for selecting a text for studying Russian as a foreign language are the volume of works, difficulties in perceiving cultural codes and realities, complex lexical and syntactic constructions, reader's interest and motivation. These features are manifested in order to use the text in the classroom in a foreign language audience, in the selection of texts and in the methodology of students working on the text. The main task of the teacher is to teach the student to extract the necessary information, pay attention to vocabulary, teach attentive reading, and identify meaning. In our opinion, the use of texts in the educational process has linguistic and non-linguistic goals. This article describes a technique for working with text, selection methods, an example of pre-text, pre-text and post-text work.
Russian as a foreign language; communicative competence; reading; techniques for working with text
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