The necessity of adaptation of medium and small businesses to modern Russian reality is substantiated. Within the framework of the survival strategy of ethnic entrepreneurship, its tactical steps have been identified, allowing it to quickly adapt to the protracted and undulating nature of COVID-19. The authors stated three main hypotheses, the verification of which was carried out within the framework of the study. According to the results of a study conducted in 2020-2021 of the processes of formation and development of economic entities of the "second echelon" of the Tyumen region, changes in the structure of ethnic entrepreneurship in the region were revealed. The trends in the organizational and legal forms of ethnic entrepreneurial structures are identified in the direction of increasing the share and number of microenterprises, strengthening the institution of self-employment, combining the latter with individual entrepreneurship, etc. The problem of providing them with labor is actualized and the causes of this phenomenon are established.
large, medium and small business structures, ethnic entrepreneurship, local business community, adaptation of ethnic entrepreneurship, transactions, transaction costs, labor migrants, COVID-19
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