Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to the twenty-fifth anniversary of the USSR Law “On general principles of local self-government and local economy in the USSR”. Adopted on April 9, 1990, the Law represents the first legal document that legally sets forth democratic decentralization of the Soviet state by creating a new political institute of grass-roots democracy which is closely linked to territorial communities. The Law was created in the period of radical changes in the social life, “at the crisis point of eras” and reflected the features of the Soviet system that was receding into the past. But in the focus of the Law there were the new rules, which clearly demonstrated visible signs of the newly emerging social relations, the parameters of the mechanism of the new government. The article focuses on the history of developing the fundamental ideas of local self-government. Although some legal definitions contained in the Law, have lost its relevance, its core ideas could not become outdated and serve as guidelines for present-day establishment of local authorities in the Russian Federation. For example, determinative participation of the population in the solution of issues of local significance, territorial determinancy of local self-government, economic independence of local authorities, municipal property, the balance between powers and their financial support, organizational independence of the local government. The article analyzes how these principles are currently being implemented.

Local self-government, reform, grass-roots democracy, decentralization, organizational autonomy, principles of organization.

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