Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Within the framework of this work, the tasks of studying the subject area of exchange rate management software, comparative analysis of several software solutions were solved. To implement the server part of the PM KB, the Python programming language was chosen. The Django framework formed the basis of the server part of the PM UKB. To implement the client, tools such as the Jinja template engine for collecting HTML pages, the Bootstrap framework for working with a grid and styles were used, and the JS language was used to create interactivity. The paper also presents a general scheme of the algorithm in a graphical form. Further in the article, the program blocks of authentication, data unloading, switching on and off the exchange, collecting modified data, adding the control data block to the point exchange rate management page, updating data in the database, updating data of specific rates are considered.

Working with data, exchange, web application, program module for managing courses, python, Django.

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