Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Within the framework of the study, issues related to the importance of human capital in the process of improving the efficiency of enterprises and organizations were considered. The necessity to link the processes taking place in the education system with the processes of accumulation and formation of human capital is substantiated. The analysis of the possibility of using education as one of the significant factors for the development of human capital and its actualization according to the constantly changing external environment is carried out. The concept is developed within the framework of the approach resulting from the economic equilibrium in the short term, and assuming the immutability of cash flows in this period. The study defines the essence of higher education and forms assumptions that characterize the construction of a model of individual assessment of the quality of education. The results obtained in the course of the study can serve as a basis for optimizing the methodology for establishing a link between the individual trajectory of the formation of educational programs.

human capital, efficiency of the use of labor resources, labor potential, education, competence

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