Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article analyzes the state and prospects of development of innovation activity and its main components - innovations. The relevance of the topic lies in the fact that the innovative problems of economic activity that have already been identified at the present time and in the future, being a factor in its development, need to determine the range of tasks that will require their solution in the near future. The objects of innovation activity are increasingly becoming factors of production, forms of its organization, infrastructure, energy supply, education, its results, ecology. The subjects of future innovative research are likely to be the sources of material and energy supply of economic activity, the principles of formation and content of knowledge, methods of reducing environmental damage and preserving the natural habitat of people, alternatives to solving innovative problems, criteria for choosing preferred options Economic activity in the coming periods will not only change its content, but will also face the emergence of new problems and the need to solve them.

innovative processes, innovations, economic activity support, knowledge content, education, personnel training

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